
黄丽华1, 胡超1, 陈建荣2, 郭清泉2, 张学文1,*
1湖南农业大学生物科学技术学院, 长沙410128; 2长沙学院生物工程与环境工程系, 长沙410003

通信作者:张学文;E-mail: xwzhang@hunau.edu.cn;Tel: 0731-84673602

摘 要:

植物Rac是植物中特有的小分子G蛋白, 我们从苎麻转录组中获得一个小分子G蛋白基因cDNA的部分序列, 设计引物后采用RT-PCR结合RACE技术克隆了该基因的cDNA。序列分析表明, 所克隆的Rac1 cDNA全长为1 043 bp, 包括594 bp开放阅读框、214 bp的3′端非编码区和235 bp的5′端非编码区, 能编码一个197氨基酸的推导蛋白。该蛋白包含G蛋白典型的效应因子结合位点、GTP/GDP结合位点和碱性氨基酸区, C末端具有保守的异戊烯基化位点CSIL。采用半定量RT-PCR分析了该基因在5个苎麻品种及不同组织器官中的表达情况, 结果表明Rac1基因在苎麻根、茎、叶中均有表达, 其中在叶中的表达量最高。纤维木质素含量不同的品种中, Rac1基因的表达量存在明显差异。木质素含量高的品种具有较高的Rac1基因表达, 表明该基因可能在苎麻木质素合成过程中发挥作用。

关键词:苎麻; Rac1基因; 克隆; 表达分析

收稿:2013-08-09   修定:2013-10-21


Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Small G Protein Rac1 Gene cDNA from Boehmeria nivea (Linn.) Gaudich

HUANG Li-Hua1, HU Chao1, CHEN Jian-Rong2, GUO Qing-Quan2, ZHANG Xue-Wen1,*
1College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China; 2Department of Bioengineering & Environmental Science, Changsha University, Changsha 410003, China

Corresponding author: ZHANG Xue-Wen; E-mail: xwzhang@hunau.edu.cn; Tel: 0731-84673602


Rac small G proteins of plants belong to a unique subfamily named ROP (Rho-related GTPase from plants). Here, a Rac protein gene was isolated from Boehmeria nivea by RT-PCR and RACE based on the sequence of Rac gene in B. nivea transcriptome. The cDNA was 1 043 bp, contained a 594 bp opening reading frame, a 3'-untranslated region of 214 bp, 5'-untranslated region of 235 bp and encoded a putative protein of 197 amino acids with molecular weight 21.65 kDa and isoelectric point 9.30. BnRac1 contains four conserved domains for guanine nucleotide binding and GTPase activities, an effector domain, a polybasic region and a C-terminal motif for prenylation. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that the transcript level of BnRac1 was higher in leaves than those in other issues. Moreover, BnRac1 gene showed the high transcript abundance in a variety with high lignin content in fiber. It turned out that BnRac1 gene was likely involved in lignin biosynthesis in B. nivea.

Key words: Boehmeria nivea; Rac1 gene; cloning; expression analysis

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